Montag, 11. Januar 2016

Torta della Nonna

Torta Della Nonna.
Preparation time: 50 minutes + resting time
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Medium difficulty
For the pastry (with the ingredients listed here, follow the method in this recipe)
350 g sifted flour
165 g butter
165 g of sugar
3 egg yolks
a pinch of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
2 drops of vanilla extract
For the custard or crema pasticciera (with the ingredients listed here, follow the method in this recipe)
1 litre of milk
8 egg yolks
140 g caster sugar
90 g sifted flour
the grated zest of 1 unwaxed lemon (possibly organic)
To garnish
icing sugar to taste
100 g pine nuts
1. Prepare the shortcrust pastry and place in the refrigerator to cool for 40 minutes.
2. Prepare the custard and let cool, stirring occasionally.
3. Place the pine nuts in water with ice for 30 minutes (so that they won’t burn when you cook them), then dry them with a kitchen towel.
4. Cut the dough into two pieces, keeping in mind that one pieces should be a bit bigger than the other for the pie crust.
5. Using two pieces of baking paper, roll out the bigger piece of dough (5 mm thickness) to make a tart case with a slightly higher edge. Place the baking paper with the pastry onto the cake tin ( 22 cm wide).
6. Pierce the pastry with a fork, then fill with the custard.
7. Roll out a disk of pastry (5 mm thick), then cover the pie and seal the two layers of pastry. Using a pastry cutter, cut and remove the excess pastry, then top with the pine nuts.
8. Bake at 180° C (356° F) for 40 minutes and let cool.
9. Place in the fridge for at least an hour, then garnish with icing sugar.

Torta della nonna.
Tempo di preparazione: 50 minuti + il riposo
Tempo di cottura 40 minuti
Media difficoltà
Per la frolla (con ingredienti scritti qui, seguite la preparazione di questa ricetta)
350 g farina setacciata
165 g burro
165 g di zucchero
3 tuorli d’uova
un pizzico di sale
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci
2 gocce di estratto di vaniglia
Per la crema (con gli ingredienti scritti qui, seguite la preparazione di questa ricetta)
1 litro di latte intero
8 tuorli d’uova
140 g di zucchero semolato
90 g farina setacciata
la buccia di un limone grattugiato, non trattato e possibilmente bio
Per decorare
zucchero a velo vanigliato q. b.
100 g di pinoli

1. Preparate la pasta frolla e mettetela in frigo a raffreddare.
2. Preparate la crema pasticciera e lasciatela raffreddare, mescolando di tanto in tanto.
3. Mettete i pinoli in acqua con del ghiaccio per 30 minuti (per evitare di bruciarli durante la cottura), poi asciugateli bene con la carta da cucina.
4. Tagliate la pasta in due, tenendo presente che un pezzo dovrà essere un po’ più grande dell’altro per la base della torta.
5. Stendete il pezzo più grande tra due fogli di carta da forno (lo spessore deve essere di circa 5 mm) , come per fare una crostata con il bordo alto. Aiutandovi la carta da forno, trasferite la sfoglia di pasta su una teglia (larga 22 cm).
6. Bucherellate la frolla con una forchetta e riempite con la crema pasticciera.
7. Stendete un disco con la pasta rimasta (di spessore 5 mm), poi ricoprite la torta e sigillate i bordi. Tagliate la pasta in eccesso e ricoprite la torta con i pinoli.
8. Cuocete in forno a 180° per 40 minuti, poi fate raffreddare.
9. Mettete la torta a rassodare nel frigo per almeno un’oretta.  Prima di servire, decorate con abbondante zucchero a velo.

Der wohl BESTE Topfenstrudel aller Zeiten…  


300 g  glattes Mehl
30 g Öl
1 TL Salz
1/8 lauwarmes Essigwasser (ein Schuss Essig)
Butter und Rama für die Kasserolle Milch und Schlagobers (Sahne)zum Begießen (ca. 1/8 l )


Mehl in die Rühr-Schüssel einer Küchenmaschine geben, Salz dazu, gut vermischen. Öl und Essigwasser dazu. Mit dem Knethaken zu einem geschmeidigen Teig verarbeiten.
Den Teig herausnehmen und ordentlich auf einer harten Unterlage schlagen – wieder zusammenlegen, wieder schlagen und so weiter – da könnt ihr eure Aggressionen loswerden :-) sofern ihr welche habt :-)
Wenn der Teig schön seidig ist – das heisst wenn er schön glänzt, in einem mit Mehl bestaubten Suppenteller legen, mit Öl bestreichen und in ein angewärmtes Tuch wickeln und mindestens 1/2 Stunde ruhen lassen.
Inzwischen bereitet sie die Fülle zu:
  • 750 g Topfen (Quark) :-)
  • 5 Eier (trennen)
  • 150 g Zucker (1 EL für den Schnee)
  • 100 g Butter
  • 1 Pkg. Vanillezucker
  • abgeriebene Zitronenschale
  • Rosinen – je nach Vorliebe
Butter, Dotter,  Zucker und Vanillezucker sehr schaumig rühren, dann den Topfen (Quark)  dazugeben und wiederum schön rühren damit eine schöne Masse entsteht.
Schnee mit dem Zucker steif schlagen und unter die Masse heben.
Während der Schnee geschlagen wird,  den Strudelteig auf einem leicht bemehlten großen Küchentuch ausziehen. Dazu mit dem bemehlten Handrücken der einen Hand unter den Teig greifen und mit der anderen Hand immer von der Teigmitte aus in Richtung Tischkante vorsichtig ziehen.
Bei uns in der Steiermark zählt ein schön ausgezogener Strudelteig zu den Voraussetzungen um heiraten zu dürfen. Dafür darf der Strudelteig keine Löcher aufweisen und muss dabei so dünn ausgezogen sein, dass man eine darunterliegende Zeitung lesen kann. :-) Das wird wohl auch der Grund sein warum ich noch nicht verheiratet war – weil meiner immer Löcher hat :-) :-) 😉 😉
Sollten dickere Ränder bleiben,  kann man diese wegschneiden. Mit der Fülle bestreichen und die Rosinen darüber verteilen. (Die Ränder ein bisschen frei lassen)
Den Strudel mit Hilfe des Tuches einrollen. Enden gut verschließen.
In einer Kasserolle halb Butter – halb Rama zerlassen,  soviel das der Boden schön bedeckt ist, da braucht ihr nicht sparen :-)
Den Strudel vorsichtig hineinlegen und mit zerlassener Butter vorsichtig bestreichen.
Bei 170°C  Heißluft  ca. 1 Stunde backen.
Mehrmals während des Backens mit zerlassener Butter bestreichen.
1/2 Stunde bevor der Strudel fertig ist, mit einem heißem  Milch-Schlagobers (Sahne) Gemisch übergießen und fertigbacken.
Mit Staubzucker bestreuen.

Mango Chocolate Mousse Cake

Mango - Chocolate Mousse Cake
- makes one 26 cm (10-inch) round cake, 12-16 pieces -

Patterned Joconde (this is optional, you can also make the cake without it)
detailed description and recipe on my post "Biscuit Joconde Imprime with Apple, Lemon and White Chocolate-Rosemary Entremets"

Almond Chocolate Sponge
5 eggs
125 g sugar
1 pinch of salt
60 g dark chocolate
100 g ground almonds

Preheat the oven to 160° C (325° F). Line a 24 cm (9-inch) springform pan with parchment paper.

Melt the chocolate over a water bath. Let cool a little. Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg yolks with 25 g of the sugar until the mixture turns frothy and pale yellow. Add the melted chocolate to the egg yolk mixture and stir to combine. Also add the almonds.

Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form, then add the remaining 100 g sugar and beat until glossy and stiff. Fold into the chocolate mixture. Bake for about 40 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.

Chocolate Mousse
65 g milk chocolate
65 g dark chocolate (70%)
3 egg yolks
7 g instant gelatin powder
50 ml heavy cream
50 ml orange liqueur (e.g. Grand Marnier)
400 ml heavy cream

Melt the two kinds of chocolate over a water bath. Whisk the egg yolks until creamy.

In a small saucepan warm up the 50 ml heavy cream with the orange liqueur until almost boiling. Stir in the instant gelatin (if you use regular gelatin you have to soak it first). Then add the melted chocolate. Using an immersion blender mix everything together until smooth. Then add the egg yolks (the chocolate mixture should still be warm).

Let the mixture cool a little. Whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form and add to the chocolate mousse, when it is just starting to set.

Start Assembly
Cut the cooled chocolate sponge lengthwise into two layers. Put one layer on your cake plate. Put a cake ring around it. If using the decorative joconde put it around the chocolate sponge.

Fill the chocolate mousse on top of the cake, then add the second cake layer. Put in the fridge to cool for at least one hour.

Mango Mousse
6 sheets gelatin
1 egg
1 egg yolk
80 g sugar
150 g mango puree
220 ml heavy cream

To make the mango mousse start with soaking the gelatin sheets in cold water.

In a bowl over a water bath whisk together the egg, egg yolk and sugar. Keep whisking until the mixture reaches about 70° C (158° F) and it starts to thicken. Take off the water bath and pour the mixture through a sieve. Add the gelatin sheets and stir until they have dissolved.

Add the mango puree and whisk until combined and the mixture starts to cool down. Whip the heavy cream until soft peaks form and carefully fold into the mango mixture.

Pour the mousse on top of your cake, and put in the fridge to cool for at least 3 hours.

Mango Mirror Glaze
1 sheet gelatin
20 g sugar
20 ml water
40 g mango puree

For the mirror glaze soak the gelatin sheet in cold water. Heat the water and sugar in a small pot until boiling and the sugar has dissolved. Add the mango puree and take the pot off the heat. Now add the soaked gelatin sheet and stir until it has dissolved. Let cool until lukewarm. Carefully pour over the cake and let set in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Remove the cake ring before serving and decorate with some fresh cut mango slices.

Enjoy and Guten Appetit!;postID=1568121175637497801